169.divine mercy
the prime minister
invite misfortune
mode of action
soil moisture
iron mold
the stars in the multitude
voluntory musle
with out mercy
corrup minister
by misforetune
be in mode
sbsorb moisture
break the mold
uneducated multitude
176.involuntary musle
169.神の慈悲 devine mercy
首相 the prime minister
不幸を招く invite misforetune
行動様式 mode of action
土壌の水分 soil of moisture
てつの鋳型 iron mold
無数の星 the star in the multitude
随意筋 voluntary musle
容赦なく with out mercy
汚職大臣 corrupt minister
不幸にも by misforetune
流行している be in mode
湿気を吸う absorb moisture
かたを破る break the mold
無学な大衆 uneducated multutude
176.付随筋 invorantary musle
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